ow my backbone STUBBIES

The internet | How did the Internet Start? | How has internet impacted the world? | Where will it go from here?

Where will it go from here?

The internet - with the aid of new digital, satellite and wireless technologies - will only continue to expand:

  • Digital tv will be granted Internet access
  • Video conferencing will become commonplace with vast improvements in sound and picture quality
  • Pocket sized Internet units will be able to access e-mail, weather, news, travel, entertainment listings and holidy information.
  • Banking, shopping and video conferencing will take place on the move, in cars, buses, trains and planes.
  • Speed will increase majorly. Ever wanted to download a movie in seconds?

The internet will grow so fast that it may even replace things like libraries all together. The children of the future will have access to simply amazing technologies and they will be able to use computers in completely new ways.


Skype is like a phone service that links users using computers and the internet. It can make calling relatives or friends in other countires virtually free and is some thing that future generations will be very familiar with. It is also part of the video conferencing community and is a competitor for the instant messaging market.

Skype, along with many other internet companies (present and future) will be a part of our daily routine in the future.

The internet will head in directions that we don't at this time see possible, a US survey shows that by 2020 we may be struggling to keep control of some technologies. The internet will certainly grow and change - along with laws and crimes. What is for certain is that the internet has been welcomed by the world with open arms and is here to stay.
